Thursday, July 23, 2015

ALEC FACT CHECK: Can Churches Take the Government's Place in Supporting the Poor?

Proponents of ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) are trying to convince the Christian Right that it should be the church and not the federal government that should provide for the needy and the disabled, but consider this fact check:

According to statistics, there are 53 million people on Medicaid at a cost for the federal government of $206 billion.  There are 320,000 Christian churches in the U.S.

This means that each church would need to take on 166 people each at an annual cost of $3,886.79 per person per year. In other words,  each and every church would have to come up with an additional $53,767 per MONTH just to cover the FED'S (not the state's) share of Medicaid.

Of course, this does not even address the cost of food and shelter--that would cost much more.

Can YOUR church afford that kind of money?

Talk is cheap.  It's a nice idea to think that churches could put the government out of business when it comes to helping the poor, however, when one considers the cost, it's simply not possible.

The Christian Right would do well to realize that ALEC is all about corporate profits and is not the least bit interested in the Bible or what it really stands for.

Also by Drew Desmond:

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