The Rebublican Party is causing dysfunctional gridlock in Congress. While many of the "R's" are proud to wrap themselves in the Constitution, it is, in fact, the completely contrived and unconstitutional "Hastert Rule" that is the cause of this gridlock.
A typical example is Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ). A visit to his website shows how seriously he takes his oath of office to the United States Constitution. His website includes a 74 second video entitled "Defending Our Constitution" and an essay entitled "The Constitution's Keepers." A deeper dive also shows that he's a member of the "Constitution Caucus" as many tea-partiers are.
In his essay he writes: "If we do not have a culture that respects the Constitution... then our nation will not long endure. I ask the join with me in creating this culture... Demand that your elected official (sic) at all levels of Government knows and respects the Constitution and appreciates this culture."
So important is this issue that in his video, Rep. Gosar rightly states "This isn't a Republican issue. This isn't a Democratic issue... I'm not here to defraud this document (holding up a copy of the Constitution). We've done it too long--both sides."
Indeed. For too long both sides have attempted to add gimmicks for their own political gain. A recent example follows: The Constitution states that "a majority of the House" is required to pass legislation there. However, in the mid 1990's, two Republican Speakers of the House: Newt Gingrich and his successor, Dennis Hastert, brought a new guideline to passing legislature in the House. From now on, they decided that in order for bills to come to a vote in the House, it would require a "majority OF THE MAJORITY of the House" (The "Hastert rule.") This rule effectively ADDS three words to our beloved Constitution that were NEVER meant to be there. During the government shutdown, when 20 Republican House members were willing to join House Democrats to open back up the government, the "Hastert rule" stood in the way for the political expediency of a few.
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The entire reason for congressional gridlock fulcrums on the "Hastert Rule." The reason why the House does not even take votes on issues like the minimum wage is because a majority of House Republicans will not allow a bi-partisan majority to have their will. This utter hypocrisy is the reason for congressional gridlock and the disappearance of bi-partisan votes.
Congressman Gosar states that we the people should "demand" that our elected officials be held accountable for this. Well, Rep. Gosar, The Crux is fulfilling your wish! Newt Gingrich was not a founding father and neither was Denny Hastert! A concept like the Hastert rule isn't even alluded to in the Federalist Papers. The "Hastert Rule" is wholly unconstitutional and any purist should shun it like the plague--including Gosar himself!
So, which Constitution have republican congressmen take an oath to? The US Constitution of our founding fathers, or the newly revised constitution of Dennis Hastert?
(It should be noted that The Crux wrote Rep. Gosar about this very subject and requested a reply. After several months, he has not. It can only be assumed that he doesn't have a good answer to offer. Would any Republican?)
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Some might like what Gosar and his tea-party comrades are doing to bring Congress to a virtual halt. But to cloak himself in a cape of "Constitutional purity" is the same old hypocrisy that he himself bemoaned when he first entered office.
Below the reader will find the link to find and email your Congressman. If you are sick and tired of Washington's gridlock, email and remind them that the "Hastert rule" is unconstitutional and abiding by it is hypocritical.
with a known Koch brothers icon.
ALSO BY Drew Desmond:
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