Thursday, December 17, 2015

The REAL "Job Creators" Are Not the Wealthy--They're YOU!

Don't be deceived by the verbal gymnastics that refer to the rich as "Job Creators." The fact is, there is only one true creator of jobs and that is: CONSUMER DEMAND!

One writer defined "Job Creators" this way:

"In Republican/Tea Party political theory, 'Job Creators' are wealthy because they are industrious, virtuous, hard working people and can use their vast wealth to create jobs by hiring people to work for them. The idea that this euphemism is trying to convey is that taxing these people would hurt the economy because then their money would be going to the government...which will only waste tax money on things like social services." (*1)

Of course, only the rich have the money to build factories, but the only time they ever would build one is when they anticipate consumer demand for the product!

What makes this tax-cutting worship of the rich as "job creators" even more irksome is WHERE they've been building their factories the last several decades. Have they been building factories in the USA providing good middle-class jobs for americans, or have they been building their factories anywhere but America? Are they headquartering their businesses in the US so they can pay their fair share to fund the military that protects their wealth, or are they high-tailing them out overseas?

Those who SPEND money are the ones that are creating a healthy, job-creating economy. Those who HOARD money do not.

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"The term “job creation” really should be reserved for activities that increase the number of jobs the economy can support when it is achieving its full potential. Shifting jobs from one state to another by offering corporate tax breaks or passing a right-to-work law does not qualify." (*2) (Although many Republican governors would like to say it does.)

"Studies have shown that for every $1,000,000 that 'job creators' receive in tax breaks, approximately 75¢ is re-invested into the American economy." (*1)

By contrast, "for every dollar spent (on unemployment,) the economy would see a return of $1.64. For every dollar spent on (food stamps,) $1.73 is generated throughout the economy." (*3) Both of these social programs produce more than twice the economic activity as corporate tax cuts do.

Only when consumers buy things are jobs created. "Which is why," Robert Reich wrote, "raising the minimum wage, extending overtime protection, enlarging the Earned Income Tax Credit, and reducing middle-class taxes are all necessary." (*4) Cutting the wealthy's taxes even more will just mean more money hoarded away; not buying the products that create employment. 

"If someone who is literally living paycheck to paycheck gets an extra dollar, it's very likely that they will spend that dollar immediately on whatever they need," thus stimulating the economy. (*3)

Time and again, "Trickle-Down" economic policies have proven to be ineffective in growing a healthy economy. When will we learn that it's not the "one-percenters" that make America's economy great, it's we the people!

When we treat our poor with caring and charity, that's when our nation will be blessed!


ALSO BY Drew Desmond:

SAMPLE: 20 Buried Treasures Near Prescott That Have Yet to be Found

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