Friday, April 15, 2016

Center for Arizona Policy Isn't Quite Pro-Life Enough!

The Center for Arizona Policy, (CAP,) the state's foremost lobbyist for conservative christians, seems so focused on trying to outlaw abortions that they have lost sight of what it truly means to be "pro-life."

Currently, Arizona is the only state in the union that refuses to participate in a federal children's healthcare program. As a result, 30,000-50,000 Arizona kids will be without health insurance.

Yet CAP stands mute.

I thought that they considered themselves "pro-life from conception to grave."

Should we outlaw abortions just to deny those children healthcare later? As far as CAP is concerned, heaven and earth should be moved to try to save one single fetus and yet, they won't fight for the healthcare of breathing children?

The shocking thing is, this problem could be solved by one, single letter from the lobby's president, Cathi Herrod...