Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Balanced Budget Amendment Would Nuke National Security

A number of campaign mailers received this season indicate support for a Constitutional amendment for a federal balanced budget. One can understand the frustration when the federal government seems unable to accomplish this.

A balanced budget is an excellent goal and many point out that several states have balanced budget amendments and they have operated under them just fine.

However, if we pass a balanced budget amendment for the federal government, we might as well surrender to the Chinese immediately!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Are Marijuana Opponents Smarter Than Mother Nature or Smarter Than God?

The government has absolutely no moral, ethical, or philosophical right to outlaw a species of life. With all the debate about marijuana usage, one basic fact is being ignored: marijuana is not a chemical produced in a pharmacy. It is a species of life. The overwhelming majority of people would either credit its existence to Mother Nature or God.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Center for Arizona Policy Isn't Quite Pro-Life Enough!

The Center for Arizona Policy, (CAP,) the state's foremost lobbyist for conservative christians, seems so focused on trying to outlaw abortions that they have lost sight of what it truly means to be "pro-life."

Currently, Arizona is the only state in the union that refuses to participate in a federal children's healthcare program. As a result, 30,000-50,000 Arizona kids will be without health insurance.

Yet CAP stands mute.

I thought that they considered themselves "pro-life from conception to grave."

Should we outlaw abortions just to deny those children healthcare later? As far as CAP is concerned, heaven and earth should be moved to try to save one single fetus and yet, they won't fight for the healthcare of breathing children?

The shocking thing is, this problem could be solved by one, single letter from the lobby's president, Cathi Herrod...

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Marijuana Haters Say the Darnedest Things

E.J. Montana, opinion columnist for the Arizona Republic, noted:
   "Opponents (of Marijuana legalization in Arizona) already have demonstrated a strategy of scare tactics based on questionable information, something they should know better than to do, since several of the bigwigs in the campaign are prosecuting attorneys.
   "That will be the irony of this campaign.
   "While the people promoting legalization deal with facts, opponents will try to alter voters’ sense of reality." (*1)
Indeed, with many of their anti-marijuana quotes, one doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Some of their taradiddles are farcical on their surface; others require a rhetorical question to clear the haze.